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Detective Peterovski seeks enlightenment

Live from the Sun Bon Sa (선본사) Buddhist temple in the mountains of South Korea, Detective Peterovski talks about the investigation and his need to seek enlightenment and develop a greater sense of direction.  Perhaps 선본사  is the right place to reflect on the EpCoP Case.

4 replies on “Detective Peterovski seeks enlightenment”


Well, you never know where you might find enlightenment on the journey of lifelong learning. Although it was fun to travel to the temple in the hills to try and answer questions about the universe, I wasn’t able to find any answers or clues about RPL. There was no harm in trying. The investigation continues!


Detective Peterovski

Detective..see if you can pick up some words of wisdom when you chat to the monk.
Agent Bentley

Hello Agent Bentley

Unfortunately the monk didn’t have any words of wisdom for me about RPL. He had no answers, only questions about the EpCop Case that I still can’t seem to answer.

The investigation continues!


Detective Peterovski

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