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eT@lking: A google gathering

A google gathering

Just finished the eT@lking: A Google gathering session. The session was well attended, with many examples of how Google Apps can be used in a creative educational context. Some of the Google apps mentioned by presenters were:

Google Maps



  • Newstimeline – A web application that organises search results chronologically. Could be used to develop a marketing strategy and to plan promotional activities.

Google squared

  • Squared – Google squared takes a category and creates a starter ‘square’ of information, automatically fetching and organising facts from across the web.

Google Apps for education

  • Apps for education – Google Apps for Education offers a free (and ad-free) set of customizable tools that enable faculty, staff and students to work together and learn more effectively.

Google Forms

  • Forms – A presenter demonstrated an example of Google Forms being used to conduct quizzing, surveys of students. Results data was easily aggregated and shared.

App inventor for Android

4 replies on “eT@lking: A google gathering”

Thanks Rowan for sharing the links to innovative applications of google apps. I loved how Barbara from USA was going to use several of these to start google off with her staff. Hope you find more for us next time.

Thanks for the comment Anne!
Yep, I’m always looking for creative applications of tech in educational context. I really liked how Google Sites and Forms were used together to demonstrate Math concepts to students, and them quiz them on what they had learned. The ability to aggregate result data was pretty cool.

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