amidoinitrite education learning and teaching learning design repossessed to skate resource development

Redefine and reassess everything (around you)

“What is the strange profound attraction that this rectangular piece of concrete holds for them? Do we now observe the rights of passage of a newly emerging civilisation?” – Dr Eugene D Mander (Public Domain, 1988) “I think skateboarding is a way for people to reassess and redefine everything around them.” – Ian Mackaye “Skateboarding […]

amidoinitrite App Edtech education elearning learning and teaching learning design resource development

Mobas – mobile checklists enabling authentic workplace assessment

Mobas was a web application that (is actually still going…) enables vocational education students and teachers to create, complete and submit formative and summative assessments from their smartphone or other Internet enabled device – it was funded by the E-learning for Participation and Skills project for the National e-Learning Strategy and released in 2012/2013. Client […]

amidoinitrite Concept education learning and teaching learning design

Your ghost

When you leave your place of work, what kind of legacy do you leave behind? What exactly makes up Your ghost*? Is it only made up of the files or digital data you created or pushed around while you were in that physical space or does Your ghost transcend the physical? Can Your ghost be […]

amidoinitrite education elearning learning and teaching learning design production resource development


Designed especially for certificate-level students in vocational education, NurseryLive! was an interactive simulation of a horticultural nursery that requires learners to keep plants free of pests and diseases in order to fill customer orders. From a technology perspective, NurseryLive! was a product of its time – it was compiled in Adobe Director and published for […]
