amidoinitrite EpCoP learning design

Detective Peterovski discovers his old filing cabinet isn’t what it used to be

On a late night emergency hunt for old evidence stored at his office, Detective Ryan Peterovski discovers that his trusty old filing cabinet probably isn’t the best place to store his crucial evidence for the EpCop Case.

amidoinitrite EpCoP learning design

Detective Peterovski reflects on the early stages of the EpCop Case

While driving home late from his office, Detective Ryan Peterovski reflects on the early stages of the EpCop Case.

amidoinitrite EpCoP learning design

Detective Ryan Peterovski introduces the EpCop Case

Hardboiled lawman, Detective Ryan Peterovski introduces himself and talks a little about his career, his impending retirement from the force and his motivations for undertaking the EpCop Case.

amidoinitrite elearning eT@lking

eT@lking: Introducing the EpCoP MOOC!

Just finished the eT@lking: EpCoP MOOC session. eT@lking is one of the many events that are organised by The Australia Series Learn Central group. The Australia Series are online events held at Australia-friendly times and are largely organised by and for Australian educators/professionals. Tonight’s eT@lking: EpCoP MOOC session was presented by Carole McCulloch. Carole introduced […]
