The Daily Shoot #ds586 – Make a photograph of two complementary objects
The Daily Shoot #ds586 – Make a photograph of two complementary objects, originally uploaded by Rowan Peter. Make a photograph of two complementary objects arranged to show their relationship to each other. A level crossing and a train. I guess they could be regarded as complementary objects. They’re functional too!
My search for Dr Brian Oblivion by David Cromenbird
In this video message, writer and director of Vimeodrone, David Cromenbird takes time out of his busy filming schedule to talk to DS106 Summer of Oblivion participants about his search for his missing friend Dr Brian Oblivion.
The Daily Shooot #ds585 – Work the angles
The Daily Shooot #ds585 – Work the angles, originally uploaded by Rowan Peter. Work the angles today. Make a photo that gives us a unique perspective on an otherwise ordinary scene.
How to fix the chassis of your inline skate
Originally created as three part just-in-time MMS for my friend, this instructional video demonstrates how you can quickly fix the chassis of your inline skate. [wpvideo qCr0Teh6] This technique is not a glamorous or permanent fix, but a practical and affordable temporary solution that will allow you to get back on your skates as soon …
The Daily Shoot #ds584 – Make a photo of a pair of subjects
The Daily Shoot #ds584 – Make a photo of a pair of subjects , originally uploaded by Rowan Peter. Make a photo of a pair of subjects today. People or inanimate objects are both fair game! In Korean culture wedding ducks are a symbol for a long and happy marriage.
eT@lking: Evernote!
Tonight I participated in Graham Clark’s Evernote presentation for eT@lking. eT@lking is one of the many events that are organised by The Australia Series Learn Central group. The Australia Series are Elluminate events held at Australia-friendly times and are largely organised by and for Australian educators/professionals. Graham demonstrated how Evernote works and why it is …
The Daily Shoot #ds583 – Make a photograph of water in one form or another today.
The Daily Shoot #ds583 – Make a photograph of water in one form or another today., originally uploaded by Rowan Peter. Reflection in a puddle.
The Outsiders on Storify
The Outsiders on Storify is my live reading of The Outsiders by S.E.Hinton. I’m not sure why, but I’ve always loved this book and the 80s film adaptation. Maybe it was the Greaser look that was far removed from my own existence that attracted me. Not sure. Thinking about it, I think the reading could …
The Daily Shoot #ds582 – illustrate heat
The Daily Shoot #ds582 – illustrate heat, originally uploaded by Rowan Peter.
The Daily Shoot #ds581 – Find a list and make a photo
The Daily Shoot #ds581 – Find a list and make a photo, originally uploaded by Rowan Peter. Lists guide an eye in a linear way: menus, recipes, etc. As you’re out and about today, find a list and make a photo.
ds106: It is happening again…
That’s right. It is happening again. This time, the ds106 digital storytelling course is taking place in summer. A summer of oblivion! I’m looking forward to meeting and making art with you all over the next 5 weeks. Regards, Rowan Peter
The Daily Shoot #ds580 – Make a close-up photograph of something
The Daily Shoot #ds580 – Make a close-up photograph of something, originally uploaded by Rowan Peter. Make a close-up photograph of something. Fill the frame with your subject if you can.
Puck Cam
Llama’s VS Ninja’s pre-game warm-up recorded with Puck Cam. Featuring the skating of Rowan, Julian, John, Keely, Ben, Bruce, Annie and Rohan. Saturday Night Light (SNL) Inline Hockey League at Puckhandlers (Melbourne, Australia) 17 Oct 2009. I recorded this video with a Nokia N95 gaffa taped to an inline hockey puck. Further research into documenting …
ds106: ds106 Field Recordings – Starting work early
Starting work early on a wet winter morning to help meet a project deadline. Right select (Save Target/Link As…) to download the ds106 Field Recording 016 Starting work early (MP3, 1.2MB)
The Daily Shoot #ds573 – Make a photograph emphasizing a square or a grid today.
The Daily Shoot #ds573 – Make a photograph emphasizing a square or a grid today., originally uploaded by Rowan Peter. Make a photograph emphasizing a square or a grid today. Tennis racket on concrete.
The Daily Shoot #ds572 – Make a photograph with parallel lines today.
The Daily Shoot #ds572 – Make a photograph with parallel lines today., originally uploaded by Rowan Peter. Parallel lines draw the eye. Make a photograph with parallel lines today. Bookshelf, air-conditioning vent and comic book lines.
ds106 hockey jerseys for Northern Voice 2011
I really wanted to go to this years Northern Voice conference. The schedule looked pretty impressive. I thought at the very least I would be able to play a game of pick-up hockey (with some random Canadian). The conference takes place in Canada, which is the undisputed home of ice hockey. Surely they’re playing hockey …
ds106 skull scrabble
Jason (@draggin) Toal’s ds106 skull and crossbones pixel-art reinterpreted with Scrabble tiles. ds106 skull scrabble, originally uploaded by Rowan Peter.
The Daily Shoot #ds566 – Make a low contrast photograph today
The Daily Shoot #ds566 – Make a low contrast photograph today , originally uploaded by Rowan Peter. Greenish
A work-in-progress that was actually a work-in-progress
A couple of weeks ago, Jabiz Raisdana (@intrepidteacher) put out a call via Twitter for people to add their favourite WordPress plugins for teachers and students to a Google document he had created. I answered his call and submitted one of my favourite plugins. While I was there, I watched Jabiz work in real-time, furiously …
Read more “A work-in-progress that was actually a work-in-progress”
The Daily Shoot #ds565 – Focus on an edge today and make a photograph
The Daily Shoot #ds565 – Focus on an edge today and make a photograph, originally uploaded by Rowan Peter.
Match moving in my backyard
A lot of my experiments take place in my backyard. Here’s a test of a match move previsualisation of a before/after style effect for a component of sanitary plumbing e-learning resource we were developing at work. I shot the footage on my Nokia N95, exported 187 frames to Photoshop, painted out the ping-pong balls used …
The Daily Shoot #ds564 – Illustrate symmetry in a photograph today
The Daily Shoot #ds564 – Illustrate symmetry in a photograph today, originally uploaded by Rowan Peter. Some symmetry in the mirror.
The Daily Shoot #ds560 – A photograph that features metal or a metallic surface
The Daily Shoot #ds560 – A photograph that features metal or a metallic surface, originally uploaded by Rowan Peter. From the wrong side of the train tracks.
eT@lking: A google gathering
Just finished the eT@lking: A Google gathering session. The session was well attended, with many examples of how Google Apps can be used in a creative educational context. Some of the Google apps mentioned by presenters were: Google Maps Street view story – Tell a story about a location or what happened at a location. …
A public conversation with myself about learning
A public conversation with myself about learning is a collection and reflection on some of @todd_conaway’s tweets from #silt2011. One of the most interesting things for me is the familiarity of themes expressed in his tweets. Learning objectives with real-world application of skills, learning outcomes and competency based completion are all staple objectives in the …
Read more “A public conversation with myself about learning”
The Shaker box
This was the first Shaker Box that I built. I repurposed a slightly worn contact mic I had prepared earlier. My reuse of the old contact mic may explain a few things about the shaker box’s performance. These photos first appeared on my Greetings from…Flickr stream.
True (Heart) Bypass
This is my first attempt at building a simple True Bypass pedal. A True Bypass pedal can be used to bypass the audio signal of another pedal (eg an effect like distortion, delay, reverb etc) when it’s not in use. My pedal is based on the True Bypass layout designed by Beavis Audio Research. These …
ds106: Buddy photo
Visual assignment 48 brief Find a little figurine or a stuffed animal that you can carry around with you. Use that ‘buddy’ and take photos to document where you have gone together. ie: going out to lunch, going to the movies, etc. My Michelin Man I carried my Michelin Man buddy with me for a …