

I bought a Kinect sensor to use with Processing. Next, start working my way through Daniel Shiffman’s Getting Started with Kinect and Processing blog post. Fun!

amidoinitrite ds106 field recordings

ds106: ds106 radio – Field recordings

The goal of my ongoing ds106 field recording is to document and share the sound story of the city of Melbourne with ds106 radio listeners. I try to record the environment as succinctly and accurately as possible. I have recorded and shared the sound of my surroundings prior to ds106 radio, but I never provided […]

About Rowan

This is amidoinitrite. My personal site for the production, participation, discussion and reflection on digital teaching and learning, education, resource development, learning and interaction design, technology, community, experimentation and art. Simply, amidoinitrite is my exploration of how we learn, how we design and how we develop digital stuff that helps us learn. Since 2000, I’ve […]
