amidoinitrite daily shoot ds106

The Daily Shoot #682 – A yummy part of one of your meals today

The Daily Shoot #682 – A yummy part of one of your meals today, originally uploaded by Rowan Peter. Breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Make a photograph of a yummy part of one of your meals today. Part of my evening meal. Rice and kimchi.

amidoinitrite daily shoot ds106

The Daily Shoot #ds679 – Something mundane and ordinary

The Daily Shoot #ds679 – Something mundane and ordinary, originally uploaded by Rowan Peter. Make an interesting photograph of something mundane and ordinary today. A translucent inflatable rubber ball held up to a light.

amidoinitrite daily shoot ds106

The Daily Shoot #ds676 – Construction

The Daily Shoot #676 – Construction, originally uploaded by Rowan Peter. Construction seems to be perpetual: streets, sidewalks, buildings. Make a photo of something under construction today.

amidoinitrite daily shoot ds106

The Daily Shoot #ds674 – The idea of connection

The Daily Shoot #ds674 – The idea of connection, originally uploaded by Rowan Peter. Make a photograph that illustrates the idea of connection. Shopping trolleys outside the Home Plus at Centum City in Busan, South Korea.

amidoinitrite daily shoot ds106

The Daily Shoot #ds569 – What’s it like outside?

The Daily Shoot #ds569 – What’s it like outside?, originally uploaded by Rowan Peter. What’s it like outside where you are today? Make a photograph that shows the world. Apartments in Namchondong, Busan, South Korea.

amidoinitrite daily shoot ds106

The Daily Shoot #ds636 – Collection

The Daily Shoot #ds636 – Collection, originally uploaded by Rowan Peter. We’re all collectors of something. Find an interesting way to display and make a photo of a collection today. My collection of colourful old Wired magazines. Editions 3.10 – 4.11.

amidoinitrite daily shoot ds106

The Daily Shoot #ds594 – Plant. Domestic, wild, or anything in between

The Daily Shoot #ds594 – Plant. Domestic, wild, or anything in between, originally uploaded by Rowan Peter. Feature a plant in a photograph today. Domestic, wild, or anything in between is fair game. Detail of a Korean folding hand fan (부채 Buchae).

amidoinitrite daily shoot ds106

The Daily Shoot #ds590 – A photograph that features white

The Daily Shoot #ds590 – A photograph that features white, originally uploaded by Rowan Peter. Make a photograph that features white in a dominant manner. Use a white subject. Blow out the sky. Use your imagination. Morning sunlight through a muslin wrap.

amidoinitrite daily shoot

The Daily Shoot #ds588 – Monochrome

The Daily Shoot #ds588 – Monochrome, originally uploaded by Rowan Peter. Make a monochrome photograph today. Keep in mind that monochrome doesn’t have to mean black and white. Winter. An overcast day. Some low light through the window. Everything seems monochromatic.

amidoinitrite daily shoot ds106

The Daily Shoot #ds591 – Choice

The Daily Shoot #ds591 – Choice, originally uploaded by Rowan Peter. Illustrate choice in a photograph today. Be obvious or subtle. Your, ahem, choice. Bubble tea or tea? I chose both.

amidoinitrite daily shoot ds106

The Daily Shoot #ds593 – The sky

The Daily Shoot #ds593 – The sky, originally uploaded by Rowan Peter. Make a photograph today that features the sky.

amidoinitrite daily shoot ds106

The Daily Shoot #ds592 – Deadline

The Daily Shoot #ds592 – Deadline, originally uploaded by Rowan Peter. What’s the first thing you think about when you see the word “Deadline”. Make a photograph of illustrating that thought. Scripts.

amidoinitrite daily shoot ds106

The Daily Shoot #ds586 – Make a photograph of two complementary objects

The Daily Shoot #ds586 – Make a photograph of two complementary objects, originally uploaded by Rowan Peter. Make a photograph of two complementary objects arranged to show their relationship to each other. A level crossing and a train. I guess they could be regarded as complementary objects. They’re functional too!

amidoinitrite daily shoot ds106

The Daily Shooot #ds585 – Work the angles

The Daily Shooot #ds585 – Work the angles, originally uploaded by Rowan Peter. Work the angles today. Make a photo that gives us a unique perspective on an otherwise ordinary scene.

amidoinitrite daily shoot ds106

The Daily Shoot #ds584 – Make a photo of a pair of subjects

The Daily Shoot #ds584 – Make a photo of a pair of subjects , originally uploaded by Rowan Peter. Make a photo of a pair of subjects today. People or inanimate objects are both fair game! In Korean culture wedding ducks are a symbol for a long and happy marriage.

amidoinitrite daily shoot ds106

The Daily Shoot #ds583 – Make a photograph of water in one form or another today.

The Daily Shoot #ds583 – Make a photograph of water in one form or another today., originally uploaded by Rowan Peter. Reflection in a puddle.

amidoinitrite daily shoot ds106

The Daily Shoot #ds582 – illustrate heat

The Daily Shoot #ds582 – illustrate heat, originally uploaded by Rowan Peter.

amidoinitrite daily shoot ds106

The Daily Shoot #ds581 – Find a list and make a photo

The Daily Shoot #ds581 – Find a list and make a photo, originally uploaded by Rowan Peter. Lists guide an eye in a linear way: menus, recipes, etc. As you’re out and about today, find a list and make a photo.

amidoinitrite daily shoot ds106

The Daily Shoot #ds580 – Make a close-up photograph of something

The Daily Shoot #ds580 – Make a close-up photograph of something, originally uploaded by Rowan Peter. Make a close-up photograph of something. Fill the frame with your subject if you can.

amidoinitrite daily shoot

The Daily Shoot #ds573 – Make a photograph emphasizing a square or a grid today.

The Daily Shoot #ds573 – Make a photograph emphasizing a square or a grid today., originally uploaded by Rowan Peter. Make a photograph emphasizing a square or a grid today. Tennis racket on concrete.

amidoinitrite daily shoot

The Daily Shoot #ds572 – Make a photograph with parallel lines today.

The Daily Shoot #ds572 – Make a photograph with parallel lines today., originally uploaded by Rowan Peter. Parallel lines draw the eye. Make a photograph with parallel lines today. Bookshelf, air-conditioning vent and comic book lines.

amidoinitrite daily shoot ds106

The Daily Shoot #ds566 – Make a low contrast photograph today

The Daily Shoot #ds566 – Make a low contrast photograph today , originally uploaded by Rowan Peter. Greenish

amidoinitrite daily shoot

The Daily Shoot #ds565 – Focus on an edge today and make a photograph

The Daily Shoot #ds565 – Focus on an edge today and make a photograph, originally uploaded by Rowan Peter.

amidoinitrite daily shoot ds106

The Daily Shoot #ds564 – Illustrate symmetry in a photograph today

The Daily Shoot #ds564 – Illustrate symmetry in a photograph today, originally uploaded by Rowan Peter. Some symmetry in the mirror.

amidoinitrite daily shoot ds106

The Daily Shoot #ds560 – A photograph that features metal or a metallic surface

The Daily Shoot #ds560 – A photograph that features metal or a metallic surface, originally uploaded by Rowan Peter. From the wrong side of the train tracks.

amidoinitrite daily shoot ds106

ds106: The Daily Shoot #ds451 – #ds457

Sorry I’m late. Thanks for watching. The Daily Shoot #ds451 “Make a photograph that features a leading line through it today. Draw the viewers eye through the image.” The Daily Shoot #ds452 “Change your point of view. Make a photograph from an unusual point of view today.” This is the view I saw of my […]

amidoinitrite daily shoot ds106

The Daily Shoot #ds450 – Illustrate preparedness

“We all prepare for things every day. Illustrate preparedness in a photograph today.” The Daily Shoot #ds450 – Illustrate preparedness , originally uploaded by Rowan Peter.

amidoinitrite daily shoot ds106

The Daily Shoot #ds449 – Use a window or a door as a frame for your subject

“Use a window or a door as a frame for your subject today in a photograph.” The Daily Shoot #ds449 – Use a window or a door as a frame for your subject, originally uploaded by Rowan Peter. A door that opens up a world of frozen food.

amidoinitrite daily shoot ds106

The Daily Shoot #ds447 – Form & colour rather than detail

“Go abstract today and make a photograph that focuses on form and color rather than detail.” The Daily Shoot #ds447 – Form & colour rather than detail, originally uploaded by Rowan Peter. I’m not sure if this photo focuses on form and color rather than detail as perscribed by the daily shoot’s #ds447 requirements.

amidoinitrite daily shoot ds106

The Daily Shoot #ds446 – Sense of depth or dimension

“Create a photo today that gives a sense of depth or dimension.” The Daily Shoot #ds446 – Sense of depth or dimension, originally uploaded by Rowan Peter. Suburban supermarket aisle. They’ve lowered the shelves since I was there last. The shelves now seem less monolithic.
