The Daily Create (TDC) Archive: TDC 08 – 14

This is my weekly archive of the work I’ve produced for The Daily Create (TDC). The Daily Create (TDC) 08 – A photo that visually represents a sound The power lines looked like stringed instruments. The Daily Create (TDC) 09 – An extreme close-up of an easily recognisable, common object It’s my phone at work. …

The Softain Biopsy – Visual Assignment 305: ReCaptcha Illustrated

The Softain Biopsy – Visual Assignment 305: ReCaptcha Illustrated , originally uploaded by Rowan Peter. The Softain Biopsy The Softain Biopsy is a medical procedure performed by specialist surgeon Dr Sigmeund Softain involving sampling of diseased human cells or tissues for examination, repair, duplication and then re-insertion back into the patient. Visual Assignment 305: ReCaptcha …