Week 4: Publishing and Submitting to the Anthology

Today is the final day of Write Your First D&D Encounter | Spring 2022, so I published my encounter as PDF from The Homebrewery and submitted it to the anthology that will be released as one title on DMs Guild – fantastic! On reflection, it’s amazing how the encounter slowly and surely (sort of) took …

Activity #6 Playtesting with real people in real time for Week 3 of ‘Spring 2022 Write your First D&D Encounter Workshop’

To wrap-up Week 3 of ‘Spring 2022 Write your First D&D Encounter Workshop’, today I spent time with other workshop participants playtesting their encounter and reading through mine. It was a great chance to get some feedback and develop a better understanding of how the encounter might be experienced when played. Many thanks to arrowknight …

Activity #6 More read throughs (and no playtesting) of my encounter in Week of ‘Spring 2022 Write your First D&D Encounter Workshop’

Activity #6 in Week 3 of ‘Spring 2022 Write your First D&D Encounter Workshop’ is all about playtesting. In theory and in practice it’s a good thing to do, but in the context of a relatively inexpensive online workshop where the stakes are low and there’s little incentive for a participant to engage in an …

Activity #6 Playtesting my encounter in Week of ‘Spring 2022 Write your First D&D Encounter Workshop’

Week 3 of #WYFE , also known as ‘Spring 2022 Write your First D&D Encounter Workshop’, is all about playtesting my encounter. As noted on the #Stoco workshop website, playtesting is an optional step in the game design process in which you test your design for flaws before releasing it to the market (Arman, n.d.). …

Activity #5 for Week 2 of ‘Spring 2022 Write your First D&D Encounter Workshop’

For this three-part activity, my D&D encounter outline was put on pause while I found out more about tropes from tvtropes.org and explored how they might be reinvented in my own D&D encounter – fun! Part 1: Identify common tropes in D&D adventures As noted on tvtropes.org, common tropes seen in a standard fantasy setting …

Activity #4 Outlining your encounter (Submission – 11 May) for ‘Spring 2022 Write your First D&D Encounter Workshop’

Using the outline template, I outlined my encounter in the following format: Title Synopsis Location NPCs/monsters/creatures Objective Conclusion I’ve refashioned the worksheet from the Welcome Kit as a Google doc and have been outlining my encounter in it and shared it on Discord in the #crafting-your-encounter channel – I’m really looking forward to refining it …

Week 2: Activity #4 – Start outlining your encounter for ‘Spring 2022 Write your First D&D Encounter Workshop’

Activity #4 for Week 2 (and beyond) of the ‘Spring 2022 Write Your First D&D Encounter Workshop’ is to start outlining my one page (500 words at 12 pt font) encounter in my Workshop document and then share on Discord in the #crafting-your-encounter channel. This is the ‘writing phase’ of the workshop and that builds …

Week 2: Activity #3 – Create six more three-line encounters for ‘Spring 2022 Write your First D&D Encounter Workshop’ ‘

Activity #3 for Week 2 of the ‘Spring 2022 Write Your First D&D Encounter Workshop’ is to create six more three-line encounters. It’s okay to use any of the three pillars (social, combat, exploration), but keep the encounters short – it’s just to practice with coming up with new ideas. Not every encounter idea you …

Week 1: Activity #2 for ‘Spring 2022 Write Your First D&D Encounter Workshop’

As noted by M.T. Black on the Stoco workshop website, D&D encounters can be categorised using the “three pillars” of: combat social exploration. M.T. Black also highlights how the three pillars make an encounter unique and dynamic, and although it’s possible to apply all three pillars in one encounter, one is usually enough. Combat Because …

D&D (at work) #6 Continuing the narrative, village council nomination, and an “accounting check”

The lunchtime D&D sessions with work colleagues continues, and it’s still fun. I was able to make use of one of the bottles I rescued from the wagon, which came about from an establishing an influence system via an email exchange with the DM while we were all out of the office, which then saved …

Week 1: Activity #1 for ‘Spring 2022 Write Your First D&D Encounter Workshop’

As outlined by M.T. Black in the Stoco workshop website, encounters are the lifeblood of Dungeons & Dragons, where any adventure or campaign could be considered as being made up from a series of related encounters. M.T. Black defines an encounter as a single scene in the game where the players interact with a challenge. …