Geometry for brake caliper augment: Step 3: Remove piston from caliper

Previsualising piston, boot and arrow geometry for Step 3: Remove piston from caliper stage of the brake caliper augment. Geometry will be exported as FBX from Blender, prepared by FBXMeshCoverter for import into Creator for  upload into my Metaio channel for final use as an augment. Figuring out the production workflow for each 3D model …

Preparing low-poly geometry for augmented contextual instruction in the disassembly and assembly of a vehicle’s rear brake caliper.

Preparing low-poly geometry for augmented contextual instruction in the disassembly and assembly of a vehicle’s rear brake caliper. Augmented contextual instruction is to be prepared in Metaio Creator, published to a Metaio channel and then accessed by learners through the Junaio app. 3D point cloud data is gathered with Metaio Toolbox. This video conceptualises one stage of …

Prototyping augmented contextual instruction with Metaio Creator (Demo mode) and Toolbox

For this prototype, I’m using Metaio Creator image and object recognition features of Toolbox in restrictive Demo Mode to further explore some aspects of my concept of augmented contextual instruction. Unfortunately, in Demo Mode I can’t use the excellent 3D point cloud data  captured in Toolbox to prototype all aspects of my augmented contextual instruction. In Demo …

The August Animated GIF Challenge: Day 1 – How do you say thank you?

The August Animated GIF Challenge: Day 1 – How do you say thank you?, a photo by Rowan Peter on Flickr. In this scene from The Golden Child, Chandler Jarrell played by Eddie Murphy learns how to say thank you in Cantonese 多謝 (Dwo ze). The use of Cantonese (Should be speaking Mandarin anway?) could …