I’m having trouble with the surfaceTouchEvent

I’m having trouble with the surfaceTouchEvent in the Responding to touch interaction recipe from the Processing 2 Creative programming cookbook source code on GitHub. I’ve worked through the Troubleshooting,  Discussion and Known issues, Common problems, Understanding changes to processing.core sections of the Android page of the Processing Wiki, but still no success. Unsurprisingly, someone else posted a …

Accessing screen size and density

Making my way through the Accessing screen size and density recipe from the Processing 2 Creative programming cookbook source code on GitHub. In this recipe I learned how to use the Android DisplayMetrics class to determine general information about the display of the device used to run the sketch.  While this is more of a diagnostic …

I don’t always require an affirmation, but when I do, I prefer the Bene Gesserit’s litany against fear

Inspired by Tom Woodwards’s Dune-themed tweet on 24 April 2014, Rhys Fulber and Bill Leeb’s production on Fear Factory’s Fear Is the Mindkiller EP and the Bene Gesserit’s litany against fear and based on Jan Vantomme’s Drawing text and Running your sketch on an Android device  Processing recipes on Github, I created this portable litany against fear as …

Running a sketch in the Android Emulator and on a device

Making my way through the Running your sketch on the Android Emulator recipe from the Processing 2 Creative programming cookbook source code on GitHub. In this recipe I learned how to run a sketch on my Android device. I did this by  creating a sketch from the sample code, enabling USB debugging on my device and …

Drawing triangle and quad strips

Making my way through the Drawing triangle and quad strips recipe from the Processing 2 Creative programming cookbook source code on GitHub. In this recipe I learned how to use the QUAD_STRIP and TRIANGLE_STRIP parameters inside the beginShape function to draw triangle or quad 3D geometry to screen. With some work, QUAD_STRIP and TRIANGLE_STRIP could be used to …