Last of the Rendersaurs

The SGI Indigo 2 was the last of the Rendersaurs. Before it, came the SGI Indy and a collection of bespoke Linux based desktop computers and laptops that served the rendersaur project. Last of the Rendersaurs — Rowan Peter (@rowan_peter) May 10, 2015

Question 1.4: Design for you

The Question 1.4: Design for you homework for Week 1 of Design: Creation of Artifacts in Society required me to design an artifact that addresses my user experience gap of a solution that supports and encourages an efficient and affordable contactless ticketing system for public transport by creating a visual expression of the design as …

Flip Rig: An extremely light-weight and simple rig for a FLIP MinoHD video camera

A project at work required video footage of a series of veterinary surgical procedures to be recorded for inclusion in an online teaching resource. The project did not have resources (DSLR and personnel) to record the series of surgical procedures nor does the relatively small operating theatre permit an additional non-surgical staff member to occupy …

I don’t always require an affirmation, but when I do, I prefer the Bene Gesserit’s litany against fear

Inspired by Tom Woodwards’s Dune-themed tweet on 24 April 2014, Rhys Fulber and Bill Leeb’s production on Fear Factory’s Fear Is the Mindkiller EP and the Bene Gesserit’s litany against fear and based on Jan Vantomme’s Drawing text and Running your sketch on an Android device  Processing recipes on Github, I created this portable litany against fear as …

The Epidermis Edit

I created the ‘Epidermis Edit’ animation in early 2000, based on my recent discovery of Blender and my friend’s SGI and Linux computers. The aesthetic is directly influenced by skin anatomy and physiology,  medical procedures,  macro-photography, electron microscopy and non-scientific curiosity. Back then, my intent for the ‘Epidermis Edit’ animation was for it to be …