Daily whiteboard

More iteration on the journey map with new additional details, and more https://www.figma.com/file/L7fSv4UYSQXNNAkfWeYe0u/Figjam-%2F%2F-Journey-map-%2F%2F-V1.0—Teach-HQ%2C-Be-inspired-and-MEA-events-journey-for-educators-at-Monash?node-id=0%3A1&t=frEvy7DQQQEItYGF-1

Fiddlin’ with Figma #1

Having fun and learning something new by fiddlin’ with Figma and making my way through their beginner tutorials (Explore ideas, Create designs, Build prototypes) about creating a social media app, for pets – petma. I’m really digging Figma – it’s a great little tool that’s been intentionally designed for collaboration and teamwork, which is fantastic.