amidoinitrite Daily whiteboard Vomit Workflows

Daily whiteboard

amidoinitrite Daily whiteboard UX Vomit Workflows

Daily whiteboard

amidoinitrite Book Concept production UX Workflows

Event design – it’s a thing! (Book)

It makes sense that there’s a process for event design, just like all of the other user-centric processes such as learning design, education design, user experience design, service design, and more. Fascinating stuff.

amidoinitrite Daily whiteboard UX Vomit Workflows

Service blueprint #1 (daily whiteboard)

amidoinitrite Daily whiteboard Vomit Workflows

Daily whiteboard

amidoinitrite Daily whiteboard Vomit Workflows

Daily whiteboard

amidoinitrite Daily whiteboard UX Vomit Workflows

Daily whiteboard

amidoinitrite education learning and teaching learning design masters Vomit

I satisfied the criteria for the “Digital learning expert credential” – five down, none to go!

I’m at the tail end of my Masters of Professional Practice (Digital Learning), whereby I now only have to successfully complete 10 credentials. I’ve submitted the first batch of five to be assessed and have recently been advised that “the credential assessors have determined that you have satisfied the criteria for your Digital learning expert […]

amidoinitrite education elearning learning and teaching learning design masters Vomit

I satisfied the criteria for the “Digital learning – discipline specialisation credential” – four down, one to go!

I’m at the tail end of my Masters of Professional Practice (Digital Learning), whereby I now only have to successfully complete 10 credentials. I’ve submitted the first batch of five to be assessed and have recently been advised that “the credential assessors have determined that you have satisfied the criteria for your Digital learning – […]

amidoinitrite education elearning learning and teaching learning design masters

I satisfied the criteria for the “Digital Literacy credential” – three down, two to go!

I’m at the tail end of my Masters of Professional Practice (Digital Learning), whereby I now only have to successfully complete 10 credentials. I’ve submitted the first batch of five to be assessed and have recently been advised that “the credential assessors have determined that you have satisfied the criteria for your Digital Literacy credential”, […]

amidoinitrite education elearning learning and teaching learning design masters production

I satisfied the criteria for the “Critical Thinking Expert credential”- two down, three to go!

I’m at the tail end of my Masters of Professional Practice (Digital Learning), whereby I now only have to successfully complete 10 credentials. I’ve submitted the first batch of five to be assessed and have recently been advised that “the credential assessors have determined that you have satisfied the criteria for your Critical Thinking credential”, […]
