Mouse interaction

Making my way through the Mouse interaction recipe from the Processing 2 Creative programming cookbook source code on GitHub. In this recipe I learned about the mouseClicked, mouseDragged, mouseMoved, mousePressed and mouseReleased functions. I also learned about the mouseX, mouseY, pmouseX, pmouseY, mousePressed and mouseButton variable. The mouseButton variable allows you to determine if the left, right …

Maths functions

Making my way through the Maths functions recipe from the Processing 2 Creative programming cookbook source code on GitHub. In this recipe I learned about declaring variables and the abs, ceil, floor, round, sq, sqrt, min, max, and dist functions. I also learned how to use the println function to display output of functions to the Processing console window. …

Using a for loop to draw lines

I wanted to draw a grid. Previously, I specified each horizontal and vertical line in my sketch. Totally boring, inefficient and completely inflexible way to draw repetitive lines. So, I checked out the Processing reference on for loops and then applied that methodology to my existing sketch. Tight! This could be the method to use to …

Drawing lines

This probably isn’t the most efficient way to draw lines to form a grid pattern, but this method is helping me to understand the coordinate system. The most efficient way would probably be to use a for loop. They’re next.

My first sketch

Making my way through the My first sketch recipe from the Processing 2 Creative programming cookbook source code on GitHub. In this recipe I learned about the size (displayWidth and displayHeight have now replaced screenWidth and ScreenHeight), setup, draw, point, line and strokeWeight functions.

Know your audience

Evidence of a multinational bank that has taken the time to research the audience/market in a suburb where one of their branches is situated. This suburb has a high Chinese and Korean business community. Each community group would be seen as a potential customers by the bank. With this in mind, the bank has applied …