The other story at Skidmore

Stories can be found in the most unexpected places, even in the chat window of a live video stream. This Storify aggregates my experience of watching Alan Levine’s Making/Telling stories that matter keynote at Skidmore College via the Skidmore College Livestream. [View the story “The other story at Skidmore” on Storify]

Message for Mr Todd Conaway

Just arrived on site to find other DS106 colleagues hard at work. The construction of the new office building is almost complete and only requires a final inspection from Mr Todd Conaway to be signed-off. Hopefully Mr Conaway can make it down to the site sometime this week.

Message for Mariana Funes

I was late for my project meeting with Mariana Funes at the DS106 Open online participant office (OOPO), so I recorded this message to let her know that I’m going to arrive at the office later than I had planned. Sorry Mariana, I’ll speak to you soon.

Offscreen drawing

Making my way through the Offscreen drawing recipe from the Processing 2 Creative programming cookbook source code on GitHub. In this recipe I learned how to: declare a PGraphics object and then initialise it with the createGraphics function inside the setup function. use the createGraphics function to create a new transparent image to be drawn on and …

Manipulating SVG files

Making my way through the Manipulating SVG files recipe from the Processing 2 Creative programming cookbook source code on GitHub. In this recipe I learned: more about using the shape function to draw shapes in the display window how to declare the PShape object and create custom variables (snowFlake, small1 to small6 and big1) and the disableStyle, …

Going to work with DS106

I just got to work and I realised today is the first week of Storytelling goes to work for the Spring 2014 iteration of DS106. Not wanting to miss out, I called CogDog from my desk to register my interest. Unfortunately, my call went to voicemail. I hope he gets my message!

Drawing custom shapes

Making my way through the Drawing custom shapes recipe from the Processing 2 Creative programming cookbook source code on GitHub. In this recipe I learned about some of Processing’s funky functions that can be used to draw custom shapes such as a star and a flower. I also learned about the vertex, beginShape and endShape functions.

Calculating points on a curve

Making my way through the Calculating points on a curve recipe from the Processing 2 Creative programming cookbook source code on GitHub. In this recipe I learned how to use the bezierPoint and curvePoint functions to calculate points on curves and splines. bezierPoint uses five parameters. The first four are coordinates for the anchor and control points …

Drawing curves

Making my way through the Drawing curves recipe from the Processing 2 Creative programming cookbook source code on GitHub. In this recipe I learned how to use the bezier and curve functions to draw Bezier curves and Catmull-rom splines in the display window. For the Bezier curves in this example, 0 and 20 are the coordinates for the first anchor …