The other story at Skidmore

Stories can be found in the most unexpected places, even in the chat window of a live video stream. This Storify aggregates my experience of watching Alan Levine’s Making/Telling stories that matter keynote at Skidmore College via the Skidmore College Livestream.


  1. Bill Smith

    Just by coincidence, earlier in the day I had listened to Scottlo’s Tokyo Calling episode 114 (or maybe 115) where he described a similar situation: entering a classroom he was assigned for his class and finding other students already there. There was a double-booking of the room. Scheduling error. Miscommunication. Easy to resolve in person between the two professors and the scheduler, just find another room. At Skidmore, someone scheduled the use of Livestream for Alan’s talk, and someone else scheduled the lacrosse game. Scheduling error. Not so easy to amicably fix. Someone simply threw a switch and changed over to the presentation. This upset the lacrosse fans who were vocal to say so. Not quite as easy as changing rooms, unless Skidmore could broadcast two streams simultaneously.

    And it was an interesting mashup at the beginning, watching the game and hearing Alan getting ready for the talk. And the mixup of soccer with lacrosse.

    And, maybe just for me, my mp3 recording of the ds106radio stream has a glitch after 13 minutes and I hear two or three simultaneous iterations of Alan’s talk. Haven’t looked into it yet, but it could be a problem with Audacity encoding to mp3, or something in the stream. And, another thing, occasionally the ds106radio live stream fades away to the underlying programmed material, probably due to the cellular link of Alan’s phone (or whatever tech he was using).

    All-in-all, an interesting event and mashup and technological mixup! Thanks for Storifying it.

    • rowan_peter

      Hiya Bill,

      Thanks for your comment. Yes, I also found Alan’s keynote event pretty interesting. You never really know what’s going to happen at these type of events, particularly if you accidently interrupt an existing schedule or programming. It’s unfortunate the livestream of the lacrosse game was cancelled, but at the same time it’s a good thing the melodrama that played out in the chat window stayed in the back channel and didn’t spill out of the online environment and affect Alan’s keynote. I know Alan would’ve been able to incorporate it into his keynote if it did.

      The occasional blending of the live ds106radio stream and underlying programming you mentioned is also common listen experience for me. I think you’re right when you say it’s due to the integrity of the cellular link.



  2. Bill Smith

    Just to let you and anyone else know, if you record the ds106radio stream on your computer at the same time a live video stream is coming in, be sure to keep the video muted! Otherwise you record the same content with time delays and just-plain-weirdness. My problem is that I had muted the video, but when the ds106radio stream faded to the programming at minute 13, when it returned the mute must have unmuted.

    Oh the joy of technology…

    • rowan_peter

      Ha! So that’s what it was. Nice detective work there Bill. I’ll remember that for the next time I try and record a live video and/or audio stream. I know I’m always disappointed when I listen back to a recording and it’s not what I expected to be.



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