I satisfied the criteria for the “Critical Thinking Expert credential”- two down, three to go!

I’m at the tail end of my Masters of Professional Practice (Digital Learning), whereby I now only have to successfully complete 10 credentials. I’ve submitted the first batch of five to be assessed and have recently been advised that “the credential assessors have determined that you have satisfied the criteria for your Critical Thinking credential”, which is awesome. Two credentials down, three to go (in this batch).

Feedback from the Assessors

Assessor 1 feedback

“In your video testimony you talk about evaluating all available evidence and speculating about decisions based on that evidence but being able and ready to evolve over time as the situation evolves. It sets a solid foundation and establishes your skills in this area which are further shown through your written material and supporting uploads. Your FutureLearn example and your role within shows how you are able to produce insights from data, analyse and present clear outcomes. Identification of trends, relationships all based on sound, clear judgement. Your example around the development of the Compassion Training for Healthcare Workers course and your project lead role is an excellent vehicle in showing your skills relating to evaluation, procedure choice and dealing with complex issues and tasks to distil them down to a manageable size. It is clear from your submission you meet the criteria for this credential – congratulations.”

Assessor 2 feedback

“Rowan, your evidence here confirms that you have highly advanced critical thinking skills which are crucial to you in your senior design role. In the digital testimony you explained the need to be able to identify, evaluate and clarify information to make appropriate decisions. The written testimony highlighted the sound critical thinking strategies you use. In Example 1, the online Compassion Training course for healthcare workers, you collaborated with a colleague to research and identify the needs of the cohort. As project lead you used this information to inform the development of an obviously effective bespoke course for delivery on your university’s LMS. Example 2 demonstrated your analytical skills in the research paper you completed as part of your Masters degree. While this project per se was not available as evidence, the supervisor’s report confirmed your ability to address current educational issues in a critical and divergent manner. An excellent submission. Thank you!”

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