amidoinitrite Concept D&D StoCo Vomit

Activity #6 Playtesting with real people in real time for Week 3 of ‘Spring 2022 Write your First D&D Encounter Workshop’

To wrap-up Week 3 of ‘Spring 2022 Write your First D&D Encounter Workshop’, today I spent time with other workshop participants playtesting their encounter and reading through mine. It was a great chance to get some feedback and develop a better understanding of how the encounter might be experienced when played. Many thanks to arrowknight […]

amidoinitrite Concept D&D StoCo Vomit

Activity #6 Playtesting my encounter in Week of ‘Spring 2022 Write your First D&D Encounter Workshop’

Week 3 of #WYFE , also known as ‘Spring 2022 Write your First D&D Encounter Workshop’, is all about playtesting my encounter. As noted on the #Stoco workshop website, playtesting is an optional step in the game design process in which you test your design for flaws before releasing it to the market (Arman, n.d.). […]
