The Daily Create (TDC) Archive: TDC 08 – 14

This is my weekly archive of the work I’ve produced for The Daily Create (TDC).

The Daily Create (TDC) 08 – A photo that visually represents a sound

The power lines looked like stringed instruments.

Take a photo that visually represents a sound - A suburban string quartet

The Daily Create (TDC) 09 – An extreme close-up of an easily recognisable, common object

It’s my phone at work.

An extreme close-up of an easily recognisable, common object – Telephone cord

The Daily Create (TDC) 10 – Merge two photos of contrasting places together

I stood in the middle of pedestrian crossing that crossed the train tracks, faced West took a photo, did a 180 about-face to face East, and then took another photo. Compiled in Photoshop with 45% opacity on the top layer.

Merge two pictures of contrasting pictures together - Looking west & looking east

The Daily Create (TDC) 11 – One take tongue twister
I tried to bring a bit of Frank Sinatra class to the One take tongue twister TDC. There’s no class in my performance.

The Daily Create (TDC) 12 – A 30 second ‘breaking news’ update about something that happened to you today
I’m not sure if it’s newsworthy, but that’s where I was at the time.

The Daily Create (TDC) 13 – A photo that includes a ‘finished product’ and at least one of it’s ‘raw materials’
A bowl of uncooked and cooked rice.
Compose a photograph that includes a 'finished product' and at least one of its 'raw materials'. Cooked rice & Uncooked rice

The Daily Create (TDC) 14 – A photo of somethings shadow that makes it difficult to identify
I don’t like his photo. The wall and shadow are not particularly interesting.
Take a photo of something's shadow in a way that makes it difficult to identify the object - Unknown shadow against wall

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