amidoinitrite ds106

Blood harvest (The Softain Biopsy) – Visual Assignment 340: Splash the colour

Blood harvest (The Softain Biopsy) – Visual Assignment 340: Splash the colour, originally uploaded by Rowan Peter.

By now I’m sure many of you are quite familiar with the ground-breaking work of specialist surgeon Dr Sigmeund Softain. Dr Sigmeund Softain is the doctor responsible for pioneering The Softain Biopsy medical procedure.

The Softain Biopsy* is a medical procedure involving the sampling of diseased human cells or tissues for examination, repair, duplication and then re-insertion back into the patient.

What isn’t known is how Dr Sigmeund Softain manages to repair the diseased human cells. Well, earlier this week I had the privilege of spending time with Dr Sigmeund Softain in his lab. During this time I managed to find out out more about Dr Softain’s cell repair technology. “You see, it’s all rather simple” Dr Softain told me. “I use a rare species of spider that lives in a citrus tree common to suburban Australia to repair and then harvest diseased blood and human cells.”

*Dr Sigmeund Softain is currently undergoing an investigation from the Australian Future Medical Procedure Organisation (AFMPO) and has had his practise license withdrawn.

Visual Assignment 340: Splash the colour

Color splash is a technique to emphasize details- you remove all color from a photo, and then restore original color to a single object, e.g. a green apple on a table. Think of the Girl in the red dress from Schindler’s List.

You can do this in a number of ways with photo editing software or using mobile apps. The answer lies in the Google.

4 replies on “Blood harvest (The Softain Biopsy) – Visual Assignment 340: Splash the colour”

Hey thanks Jim!
My write-up on Blood Harvest is true. Dr Sigmeund Softain is doing unbelievable work in the field of extraction, repair and re-insertion of human cells. He fixed me, for which I am truly grateful.

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