Detective Peterovski reflects on gathering evidence for RPL

On his way home from a field trip in the countryside of South Korea, Detective Peterovski takes some time to reflect on the evidence he has gathered on RPL for the EpCoP Case. The case is looking rather grim and it looks like the detective won’t be able to catch RPL and wrap up the investigation before his retirement on the 30th September 2011.


  1. Safe journey back home Detective, RPL has been sited in the regions of Victoria. He still is alive and well in Learn Locals – Eportfolios still high on his list. Perhaps you already have the solution – prepare an Eportfolio for Richard Paddy Lawrence – that’s all he ever wanted. BTW is that RPL junior we can hear in the background?

    • Hi Carole!
      Detective Peterovski still has to file his last report for the EpCoP once he gets back to his hotel room. He’ll do that in the next couple of days…

      Oh yes, you heard Intern Alex Lee Peter in the background of Peterovski’s report!

  2. Pingback:The end of Detective Peterovski | amidoinitrite?

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