In November 2016, I was lucky enough to travel to Hong Kong for work. In the extremely limited time that I was there, I discovered @hkitskateboardshop squirelled away up a flight of stairs on #GRANVILLEROAD in #TSIMSHATSUI There, I bought some shoes, a shop t-shirt and shop board. The board is particularly unique, with the bottom graphic featuring a photo of the famous and extremely colourful Choi Hung Estate in Kowloon. Awesome!
Cut to present day 2018. I’ve been riding #streetplantbrand decks for bit, particularly the wider shapes from 8.75″, 9.00″ to 9.5″, and above. Now, in the spirit of ‘flexible to the form, faithful to the philosophy’, I’m going to give the very slim 8.0″ #ninepush #9push deck a go. Of course, I’m not quite ready to completely divorce myself from the #streetplantbattalion as my 58mm lil’ scoundrels are still intact!