amidoinitrite daily shoot ds106

The Daily Shoot #682 – A yummy part of one of your meals today

The Daily Shoot #682 – A yummy part of one of your meals today, originally uploaded by Rowan Peter. Breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Make a photograph of a yummy part of one of your meals today. Part of my evening meal. Rice and kimchi.

amidoinitrite daily shoot ds106

The Daily Shoot #ds679 – Something mundane and ordinary

The Daily Shoot #ds679 – Something mundane and ordinary, originally uploaded by Rowan Peter. Make an interesting photograph of something mundane and ordinary today. A translucent inflatable rubber ball held up to a light.

amidoinitrite daily shoot ds106

The Daily Shoot #ds676 – Construction

The Daily Shoot #676 – Construction, originally uploaded by Rowan Peter. Construction seems to be perpetual: streets, sidewalks, buildings. Make a photo of something under construction today.

amidoinitrite daily shoot ds106

The Daily Shoot #675 – Make a photo that has vivid colours today

The Daily Shoot #675 – Make a photo that has vivid colours today, originally uploaded by Rowan Peter. Bright, vivid colours can draw attention and add ‘pop’ to a photo. Make a photo that has vivid colours today.

amidoinitrite daily shoot ds106

The Daily Shoot #ds674 – The idea of connection

The Daily Shoot #ds674 – The idea of connection, originally uploaded by Rowan Peter. Make a photograph that illustrates the idea of connection. Shopping trolleys outside the Home Plus at Centum City in Busan, South Korea.

amidoinitrite daily shoot

The Daily Shoot #ds573 – Make a photograph emphasizing a square or a grid today.

The Daily Shoot #ds573 – Make a photograph emphasizing a square or a grid today., originally uploaded by Rowan Peter. Make a photograph emphasizing a square or a grid today. Tennis racket on concrete.

amidoinitrite daily shoot

The Daily Shoot #ds565 – Focus on an edge today and make a photograph

The Daily Shoot #ds565 – Focus on an edge today and make a photograph, originally uploaded by Rowan Peter.

amidoinitrite daily shoot ds106

The Daily Shoot #ds564 – Illustrate symmetry in a photograph today

The Daily Shoot #ds564 – Illustrate symmetry in a photograph today, originally uploaded by Rowan Peter. Some symmetry in the mirror.

amidoinitrite daily shoot ds106

The Daily Shoot #ds448 – Creative photo of ubiquitous power point (plug)

“Power plugs are ubiquitous. Can you make a creative photo of such a common thing? Try it today!” The Daily Shoot #ds448 – Creative photo of ubiquitous power point (plug), originally uploaded by Rowan Peter. A power point (plug) love story
