In the absence of Glass

2013-06-24 16.26.27
Working out the concept for the rig with a pen, post-it and highlighters.

In the absence of my own Google Glass, I’d like some type of wearable rig that can hold a mobile device such as a tablet or mobile phone. This rig would sit on the wearers shoulder or be strapped to their chest. It would allow the wearer to view any assistive augment displayed on the screen of the mobile device and also allow the wearer to use both hands to interact with the point of interest. The rig would need to be able to be adjusted to suit the wearer and multiple types of devices to prevent a confronting experience if the mobile device was placed too close to the users face.

Come to think it, this rig may not be practical for use in confined spaces or actually anything at all. It’s not very immediate or portable. Reject.


  1. Jason Boulter

    Hi Rowan – I’m researching the history of Hardcore/Globe for an upcoming book and wanted to contact you about some old photos you posted of a Torquay skate event. Please let me know if you still have any original photos from that event and if you’d be interested in them appearing in the book potentially?

    Best regards, Jason Boulter

    • rowan_peter

      Hello Jason!
      Thanks for your interest in my old photos from the Hardcore Ramp Riot at the ramp in Torquay. Yes, you’re more than welcome to use these ones from the web or the original 35 mm prints if I can ever find them again!

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