Lost in Metaio Creator’s Z translation

I’m currently wrestling with the correct Z translation of images and buttons in UI Designer of Creator 2.6. I’ve placed some buttons on top of an background image in the UI Designer of Creator and have encountered a problem where the image obscures the buttons and prevents them from working. I’ve checked the Z translation of the image in relation to the buttons and have made sure the buttons translated above the background image, but this doesn’t seem to make a difference when the published channel is viewed in Junaio on my iPad.

I’ve posted my issue with Z translation of buttons in UI Designer of Creator 2.6 to the Metaio Helpdesk and look forward to hearing from someone in the community.

While attempting to solve this problem on my own in Creator, I experimented with placing the buttons partially over the background image and then publishing to my channel. This had an interesting result. The button displays and functions correctly!

Here are some screen captures of the properties windows for the background image and each button in the UI Designer of Creator and the published channel viewed in Junaio on my iPad.

The properties window for the background image. The image has a 0.0 Z translation.
The properties window for the button placed over the background image. The button has a 5.0 Z translation.
The properties window for a button placed partially over the background image. The button has a 5.0 Z translation.
The palcement of UI elements in the published channel viewed in Junaio on my ipad.

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