Trying to track down Jim Groom and Emre5807

The Tweet that made my heart skip a beat.

Emre5807’s Twitter update said it all. He had captured Jim Groom. Surely it can’t be true? I felt that there was only one thing for me to do. I had to track down Emre5807 and rescue Jim.聽I could always look for Kim Droom later. I had seen Giulia Forsythe’s excellent recommendation of the industry standard hacker tool Hacker Typer. This is exactly what I needed to find Emre5807.

This video documents the final moments before discovering the whereabouts of Emre5807 and Jim Groom. After that, everything went a little hazy.


  1. Rowan, you are an UBER HACKER! (almost)…geez, I hope you’re okay. This whole situation is just getting out of hand!

  2. Until now I didn’t know where Jim Groom and Emre5807 actually were, but I now I do. I guess it doesn’t matter that I had to pay the ultimate price. If only I could tell people what I know and what I’ve seen.

  3. Rowan,

    Without this hack I would have never escaped from the clutches of Emre5807. It was a very tight fit, but now I am free. I have more to share, but let’s just say I’m not in Kansas anymore.

    • Jim? You managed to escape from Emre5807, but only just? I’m sure you have some stories to tell about your capture and eventual escape!

      Say, what happened to Kim Droom?

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