
Trying to track down Jim Groom and Emre5807

Emre5807’s Twitter update said it all. He had captured Jim Groom. Surely it can’t be true? I felt that there was only one thing for me to do. I had to track down Emre5807 and rescue Jim. I could always look for Kim Droom later. I had seen Giulia Forsythe’s excellent recommendation of the industry standard […]


Did Jim get lost searching for Emre5807 the infamous ds106 hacker?

I guess everyone has heard by now about the DS106 website being hacked earlier in the week. If you haven’t, go and read Jim Groom’s blog post. It’s serious stuff. Apparently the DS106 website was hacked by someone who goes by the name of Emre5807. I’m not sure WHO that is, but I reckon they […]
