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amidoinitrite specialist scholars specialist scholarship

VET Development Centre Specialist Scholarship: Event 1 – Induction

This year I was fortunate enough to be granted a VET Development Centre Specialist Scholarship. Specialist Scholarships are available to non-teaching staff who wish to develop their skills, capability and professional standing within the VET system. Among the services provided by specialist staff are student support, student administration, human resources, learning design, records management, purchasing, […]

amidoinitrite Concept elearning game based learning learning design

Modelling a simple door/entry area to Dr Softain’s lab with Blender for an augment with Aurasma Studio

A work-in-progress render of the scene and 50 frame animated geometry for an augment of door/entry area to Dr Softain’s laboratory. Thematically, this scene takes place around the same time as Dr Softain’s emergency broadcast. The modelling is based on measurements and reference photos taken at the scene. The animated door opening was achieved by creating a […]

amidoinitrite Concept elearning game based learning learning design

Dr Softain’s emergency broadcast

Dr Sigmeund Softain is specialist surgeon. He was responsible for pioneering The Softain Biopsy medical procedure. Dr Softain’s research is experimental and ongoing. He Tweets his day-to-day research activities and also discusses his work and recent findings on his blog. One day everything changed. Something went wrong in Dr Softain’s laboratory. An experimental medical procedure went awry. An outbreak. Amidst all the chaos […]

amidoinitrite Concept elearning learning design resource development

Prototyping AR with processing and blender

I’m interested in exploring the use of augmented reality (AR) in learning experiences.  I’ve decided to prototype my early simple AR experiments with Processing and Blender. These early explorations will make use of augments placed with fiducial markers. My goal is to then explore developing AR learning experiences with Layar that can then be viewed […]

amidoinitrite Concept

Inconclusive concepts for AR experiences


amidoinitrite Concept

Concept: Augmented advertising could reduce litter on the streets

Advertising taped to the footpath at pedestrian crossings is a common sight in areas of Busan such as Seomyeon that are frequented by youth, young people and university students. As a location for advertising it is ideal. It is one of the rare times busy pedestrians will stop, if only for a short time. That’s […]

amidoinitrite App Concept

Concept: Air guitar app for mobile devices with an AR extension

What is it? It’s an air guitar app for mobile devices (iPad, iphone, droid phone) with an AR extension. What does it do? The air guitar app allows user to jam to their favourite songs. The app also contains a collaborative feature that allows other instruments to be added to the mix. For example, the […]

amidoinitrite Concept elearning learning design resource development

Concept: A persistent location based ambient sound layer

Concept sketch for a persistent location based ambient sound layer. The ambient sound layer will leverage location data (google maps, directions), photographs (Flickr, Twitpic etc), text (blog posts, wikipedia, annotation, comments via Twitter). The ambient sound layer is designed for mobile devices. Relationships between sound recordings can be created (For example, the same type of […]
