D&D (at work) #4 An influence system

Still playing D&D during lunch with my work colleagues, and it’s still super-fun.

Because of the Easter holidays and combined-long weekends that drifted over multiple Tuesdays, we haven’t been able to meet-up and play. That’s why the DM issues a missive to the players to keep the narrative and player engagement going, via email. The DM wrote…

As you continue to defy the untimely end that fate has bestowed upon you, you find that others seek to aid you in this struggle.

They now look to you for both purpose and direction and as such you can assign them tasks and actions to further your cause.

How it works:

Based on your calculated influence score (see behind the scenes section below) you can do the following.

Begin an multi part task with multiple checks and outcomes using you most capable follower (cohort). This cohort is a level 1 character with all the stats and abilities as if you were playing them in game.

For example you could send you cohort to seek out a rumoured druids grove or hunt down an recently escaped outlaw.


Your skilled followers can undertake a single part task using a +10 to any skill roll needed as part of the task.


You slightly less skilled followers can undertake another single part task using a +1 to any skill roll needed as part of the task.

The types of of followers (cohorts can be what ever you want) are based the your highest base ability score. No hard rules here but please make them thematically appropriate to the stat if possible.

What you need to do:

Send a reply to this email in which you:

(1) Make (or simply describe) your cohort
(2) Describe your followers
(3) Tell me what each cohort and follower is doing.

I will do the rest.

Also, please note that you influence score will most likely be adjusted once I have time to improve the system.

Behind the scenes:

Please note this is rough guide and will most likely be updated.

Influence level = Base score + Modifiers

Base score:

Cha level (3) + Highest stat bonus (most likely 4).


Strong hold +2 (you all have access to this)

Fairness and generosity +1 (this will depend on you characters actions up until now)

Special power +1 (can you do anything the looks visually impressive to the common person)

Influence skill: replace one of your skills with this skill to add your proficiency bonus to it (currently +2).

For example a fair and generous human wizard, who has taken the influence skill would have a influence score of: 13 (3+4+2+1+1+2) 

Therefore he has a follower score of 10/1 and a cohort with whose character level is 1.

Please email with any and all questions.

After my colleague shared their own inspiring example, I was able to create my own.

Cohort of Chungus, the Warlock with an Infernal Bloodline


  • Paladin
  • Weapons/Armour proficiency & combat orientated spells – has skills ‘on the tools’.
  • Great in a standalone stoush, but completely unreliable in the long-term.
  • Heard to say… “I gotcha back, but you best to watch your front”.


  • Bard
  • Solid magic skills, but not the smartest or fastest.
  • Great outside of combat and considered as a “jack of all trades” with abilities in cooking, music & art.
  • Heard to say… “My purity inside is all that’s mine”.

Another 5 members of the Shin Clan (Vert, Nil, Rae, Rsdio, Plone)

  • 1st level Rangers
  • Great at scouting and guiding the party to a destination, but easily distracted and a little self-involved.
  • Heard to say… “There’s a rider that’s fallen and It’s clear there’s no time to return”.
  • Tasks (Simple)

    Shin and the rest of the Shin Clan are scouting for our latest destination that always seems to be just around the corner, through the forest, or even over that distant hill. We’ve all heard that before, right? If they listen to Shin’s guidance and don’t get distracted, they’ll all get us there, eventually.

    Tasks (Complicated)

    Eutow is good to have around to flex and enforce, and certainly isn’t afraid to roll up their sleeves and get on the tools, when needed – this seems to be an ever-increasing occurrence.

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