My first instanced geometry

Building on the momentum of making my way through my very, very first noise displacement tutorial, I had a go at Polyhop’s instancing geometry in TouchDesigner tutorial. Again, you literally start with a ‘blank canvas’ and then slowly build up a network that results in a fun and visually interesting output. My key takeaways It’s …

My first noise displacement

Super-stoked about taking my very first steps with the visual coding software TouchDesigner by making my way through Polyhop’s Noise Displacement Tutorial – it’s a fun tutorial with just the right amount of detail designed especially for first timers like me. You literally start with a ‘blank canvas’ and then over time slowly build up …

The Shaker box

This was the first Shaker Box that I built. I repurposed a slightly worn contact mic I had prepared earlier. My reuse of the old contact mic may explain a few things about the shaker box’s performance. These photos first appeared on my Greetings from…Flickr stream.