Concept: Slope of the land under classified vegetation determines the severity of a bushfire

Concept for an interactive device that demonstrates how slope of the land under classified vegetation determines the severity of a bushfire. The learner can increase or decrease the angle of the upslope and downslope. As a result the severity of the approaching bushfire will change. The bushfire’s severity is based on a premise of the …

Concept: The distance of vegetation from a building determines the level of bushfire risk to the building

Concept for an interactive device that demonstrates how the distance of vegetation from a building determines the level of bushfire risk to the building. The learner can select a vegetation type, increase or decrease the distance of vegetation from the building and increase or decrease the angle of the slope. The Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) …

Listen to Black Sabbath: A reflection on the nature of instruction

Listen to Black Sabbath: A reflection on the nature of instruction, originally uploaded by Rowan Peter. I was crossing the street during my lunch break the other day when a piece of graffiti written on a pole nearby caught my attention. The graffiti read Listen to Black Sabbath. This immediately made me think about two …

Concept: The activity flow

During the initial design stage of an activity I like to use pen and paper to quickly map out the flow of the activity. The tactile nature of paper allows for scribbles and scrawls, coloured pens or pencils, hasty redraws, cutting, tearing, taping and a rendezvous with the scanner or photocopier. I think something like …