Concept education elearning learning and teaching learning design production UX Vomit Workflows

First steps with ‘Levelling up my PM skills’.

I’m on a mission to ‘level up my PM skills’. The first step is to find out more about current thinking and approaches towards product, which is why I made my way through the product-led fundamentals course by ProductLed. My experience of the course. It’s an interesting mini-course that does what it says (on the […]

amidoinitrite Concept UX Vomit Workflows

Pedestrian wayfinding in the inner city

Wayfinding at pedestrian crossings in Melbourne’s CBD where pedestrians are most likely to be face-down on their phone, much like as I observed as early as 2011 in Busan, South Korea. Like the promoters in Busan, the designers from the City of Melbourne understood the pedestrians and their behaviour – this led to the intentional […]


Daily whiteboard

More iteration on the journey map with new additional details, and more—Teach-HQ%2C-Be-inspired-and-MEA-events-journey-for-educators-at-Monash?node-id=0%3A1&t=frEvy7DQQQEItYGF-1

amidoinitrite Daily whiteboard UX Vomit Workflows

Daily whiteboard

amidoinitrite Concept Daily whiteboard education production UX Vomit Workflows

Jamming the educator journey #1

Notes on how I’m working to map the journey for educators who engage and interact with learning resources.

amidoinitrite production UX Vomit Workflows

Value exchange activity

amidoinitrite Concept Daily whiteboard learning and teaching learning design production Vomit Workflows

Daily whiteboard

amidoinitrite Daily whiteboard UX Vomit Workflows

Customer journey map #2 (daily whiteboard)

amidoinitrite Concept Daily whiteboard education learning and teaching learning design production resource development UX Vomit Workflows

Customer journey map #1 (daily whiteboard)

Making a start on the customer journey map for the 2023 Teach HQ, Be inspired and the MEA (teaching and learning festival) experience – it’s a first take and will probably require some ‘zooming-in’ with details and most likely a service blueprint, and some iteration. That’s cool because that’s what it’s all about – working […]

amidoinitrite Daily whiteboard UX Vomit Workflows

Daily whiteboard

amidoinitrite Book Concept production UX Workflows

Event design – it’s a thing! (Book)

It makes sense that there’s a process for event design, just like all of the other user-centric processes such as learning design, education design, user experience design, service design, and more. Fascinating stuff.

amidoinitrite UX Vomit Workflows

Taking a deep dive (sort of) into user experience design, and mapping

Just started some self-directed learning on user experience design, via LinkedIn Learning. It’s a broad strokes introduction to a deep dive into user experience design that then leads into other learning about strategy and research. So far, most of the content isn’t new to me and its great to get some deeper insights into how […]

amidoinitrite Concept elearning learning design

User flow for the completion of a safe work method statement (SWMS)

This sketch demonstrates the preliminary user flow for a web application/mobile experience that permits the completion and submission of a safe work method statement (SWMS) as part of a vocational training and assessment experience. A SWMS is a site-specific form that must be completed before any high-risk construction work is commenced. Generally, the completion and […]
