amidoinitrite elearning eT@lking

eT@lking: Blogging++ (Travelling with Mr ‘Davo’ Devil & Student Blogging Challenge)

Just finished the eT@lking: Blogging++ session. eT@lking is one of the many events that are organised by The Australia Series Learn Central group. The Australia Series are Elluminate events held at Australia-friendly times and are largely organised by and for Australian educators/professionals. Tonight’s eT@lking: Blogging++ session was presented by Sue Wyatt. Sue spoke about her […]

amidoinitrite elearning learning design

Hanging out in a Google+ Hangout

On July 16th I joined Giulia Forsythe, Ben Rimes, Jason Green, Zach Dowell, Bryan Jackson and Jim Groom in a friendly discussion lead by Tim Owens about Google+ using it’s Hangout feature. The new features of Google+ were discussed and how they could be used in an educational/storytelling context. Interesting stuff. Unfortunately, I had technical problems (Hangout and […]

Concept learning design resource development

Concept: Branching scenario workflow

Rough workflow for a branching scenario activity. The learner is required to make a decision, they’re prompted with hint/extra information to help them make decision. Learner makes decision. Feedback is provided based on the learner’s decision. My revised branching scenario, a day later. Another revised branching scenario, a day later.

amidoinitrite office drawer archive

Office drawer archive: Newspaper clipping – MX

After a few years in the workplace you begin to accumulate a lot of stuff in your office drawer. It becomes your personal archive of your workplace existence. A place for newspaper clippings, unlabelled CDs or DVDs containing forgotten data that was burnt long ago. I call it my office drawer archive. This newspaper clipping […]

amidoinitrite office drawer archive

Office drawer archive: Newspaper clipping – Skateistan

After a few years in the workplace you begin to accumulate a lot of stuff in your office drawer. It becomes your personal archive of your workplace existence. A place for newspaper clippings, unlabelled CDs or DVDs containing forgotten data that was burnt long ago. I call it my office drawer archive. This newspaper clipping […]

amidoinitrite daily shoot ds106

The Daily Shoot #ds594 – Plant. Domestic, wild, or anything in between

The Daily Shoot #ds594 – Plant. Domestic, wild, or anything in between, originally uploaded by Rowan Peter. Feature a plant in a photograph today. Domestic, wild, or anything in between is fair game. Detail of a Korean folding hand fan (부채 Buchae).

amidoinitrite daily shoot ds106

The Daily Shoot #ds590 – A photograph that features white

The Daily Shoot #ds590 – A photograph that features white, originally uploaded by Rowan Peter. Make a photograph that features white in a dominant manner. Use a white subject. Blow out the sky. Use your imagination. Morning sunlight through a muslin wrap.

amidoinitrite Artifact Concept gif production rendersaur Vomit

The Epidermis Edit

I created the ‘Epidermis Edit’ animation in early 2000, based on my recent discovery of Blender and my friend’s SGI and Linux computers. The aesthetic is directly influenced by skin anatomy and physiology,  medical procedures,  macro-photography, electron microscopy and non-scientific curiosity. Back then, my intent for the ‘Epidermis Edit’ animation was for it to be […]

amidoinitrite learning design

amiaskinitrite? My lesson in asking questions and getting answers

Today I learned an important lesson about asking questions. My questions weren’t being answered, let alone being answered incorrectly. The lesson remains the same. I shouldn’t have just asked “What do you mean?” I should have rephrased the question to something like “When you say X do you mean Y?” Hopefully, I would’ve at least […]

amidoinitrite ds106

ds106: Visual Assignment 141: Return to the Scene of the Crime

Visual Assignment 141 brief Take a photo from the past that you took in a particular location. Return to that stop, and take another picture, “framing” the original within the current view. Returning to the scene of my crime Mum, dad and my son Alex. February 2011. What I like about the Return to the […]

amidoinitrite daily shoot

The Daily Shoot #ds588 – Monochrome

The Daily Shoot #ds588 – Monochrome, originally uploaded by Rowan Peter. Make a monochrome photograph today. Keep in mind that monochrome doesn’t have to mean black and white. Winter. An overcast day. Some low light through the window. Everything seems monochromatic.

amidoinitrite ds106 field recordings

ds106: ds106 Field Recordings – Underground car park plant room

Underground car park plant room Right select (Save Target/Link As…) to download the ds106 Field Recording 017 Underground car park plant room (MP3, 1.8MB)

amidoinitrite daily shoot ds106

The Daily Shoot #ds591 – Choice

The Daily Shoot #ds591 – Choice, originally uploaded by Rowan Peter. Illustrate choice in a photograph today. Be obvious or subtle. Your, ahem, choice. Bubble tea or tea? I chose both.

amidoinitrite daily shoot ds106

The Daily Shoot #ds593 – The sky

The Daily Shoot #ds593 – The sky, originally uploaded by Rowan Peter. Make a photograph today that features the sky.

amidoinitrite ds106

ds106: Design Assignment 54: Iconic you

Design Assignment 54 brief Create an iconic image/design for your own site that somehow represents you. Iconic me Coffee.

amidoinitrite daily shoot ds106

The Daily Shoot #ds592 – Deadline

The Daily Shoot #ds592 – Deadline, originally uploaded by Rowan Peter. What’s the first thing you think about when you see the word “Deadline”. Make a photograph of illustrating that thought. Scripts.

amidoinitrite Concept

Flickering fluorescent

Flickering fluorescent tube lighting. I like the look and sound of the flickering fluorescent tube. Footage shot on my HTC Aria mobile phone.


Vengeance will not be mine (newspaper clipping)

Vengeance can belong to someone else, not me.

amidoinitrite Concept ds106

Dr Brian Oblivion in the newspaper

I got in to work early this morning, checked the morning newspaper and discovered that David Cromenbird had indeed been true to his word. He had contacted the print media  and placed a full page missing persons announcement for his friend and colleague Dr Brian Oblivion in today’s morning newspaper. When I found the missing […]

amidoinitrite ds106

ds106: Visual Assignment: Troll Quotes

Visual Assignment 25 brief Find an image of a well known figure, add to it a famous quote by someone related in some way to the figure in the image and then attribute the quote to a third, related figure. From the official site: How It Works Get a picture of someone people idolize. Obi […]

amidoinitrite ds106

ds106: Visual Assignment: Flickr-ised Playlist Poetry

Visual Assignment 62 brief Take your Playlist Poetry Assignment and find Creative Commons Flickr photos to illustrate your story. Try using a slideshow tool to interweave the song titles and images. My Flickr-ised Playlist Poetry I used Storify to compile my Flickr-ised Playlist Poetry assignment. I  had some problems embedding my compiled Storify in this […]

amidoinitrite ds106

ds106: Visual Assignment: An Album Cover

Visual Assignment 44 brief So here’s something fun for everyone to do, should be quick and easy, but try to make it pretty. First, go here: Wikipedia: Random article The title of the article is now the name of your band. Next, go here: Quotations page Go to the bottom of the page. The last […]

amidoinitrite Concept

Ideas can grow like this…

amidoinitrite daily shoot ds106

The Daily Shoot #ds586 – Make a photograph of two complementary objects

The Daily Shoot #ds586 – Make a photograph of two complementary objects, originally uploaded by Rowan Peter. Make a photograph of two complementary objects arranged to show their relationship to each other. A level crossing and a train. I guess they could be regarded as complementary objects. They’re functional too!

amidoinitrite Concept ds106

My search for Dr Brian Oblivion by David Cromenbird

In this video message, writer and director of Vimeodrone, David Cromenbird takes time out of his busy filming schedule to talk to DS106 Summer of Oblivion participants about his search for his missing friend Dr Brian Oblivion.

amidoinitrite daily shoot ds106

The Daily Shooot #ds585 – Work the angles

The Daily Shooot #ds585 – Work the angles, originally uploaded by Rowan Peter. Work the angles today. Make a photo that gives us a unique perspective on an otherwise ordinary scene.

amidoinitrite learning design

How to fix the chassis of your inline skate

Originally created as three part just-in-time MMS for my friend, this instructional video demonstrates how you can quickly fix the chassis of your inline skate. [wpvideo qCr0Teh6] This technique is not a glamorous or permanent fix, but a practical and affordable temporary solution that will allow you to get back on your skates as soon […]

amidoinitrite daily shoot ds106

The Daily Shoot #ds584 – Make a photo of a pair of subjects

The Daily Shoot #ds584 – Make a photo of a pair of subjects , originally uploaded by Rowan Peter. Make a photo of a pair of subjects today. People or inanimate objects are both fair game! In Korean culture wedding ducks are a symbol for a long and happy marriage.

amidoinitrite eT@lking

eT@lking: Evernote!

Tonight I participated in Graham Clark’s Evernote presentation for eT@lking. eT@lking is one of the many events that are organised by The Australia Series Learn Central group. The Australia Series are Elluminate events held at Australia-friendly times and are largely organised by and for Australian educators/professionals. Graham demonstrated how Evernote works and why it is […]

amidoinitrite daily shoot ds106

The Daily Shoot #ds583 – Make a photograph of water in one form or another today.

The Daily Shoot #ds583 – Make a photograph of water in one form or another today., originally uploaded by Rowan Peter. Reflection in a puddle.
