amidoinitrite App Concept

Incomplete work: BusBuddy – Flash app for mobile phones

What is it? BusBuddy was an exercise in developing a Flash-lite based bus timetable application for my Nokia N95. The concept for BusBuddy came about from my need for an accurate timetable for bus and train services I used in my daily travel to work. What did it do? BusBuddy provided discrete bus and train […]

amidoinitrite App Concept resource development

Concept: A scheduling app for students

What is it? A scheduling app for students that operates on mobile devices. What does it do? The app can connect to existing student records/results services and display: Class/tutorial dates and times (Semester/Year) Assessment/assignment due dates (Semester/Year) Assessment/assignment completion status. For example, the status update could read ‘you have completed 2 of 5 assignments. There […]

amidoinitrite Concept elearning learning design resource development

Concept: A persistent location based ambient sound layer

Concept sketch for a persistent location based ambient sound layer. The ambient sound layer will leverage location data (google maps, directions), photographs (Flickr, Twitpic etc), text (blog posts, wikipedia, annotation, comments via Twitter). The ambient sound layer is designed for mobile devices. Relationships between sound recordings can be created (For example, the same type of […]

amidoinitrite elearning learning design resource development

Interaction design – ‘Talk to the clients’

This drawing blocks out the flow of an interactive device where the learner is required to determine job requirements by talking to the clients.

amidoinitrite ds106

ds106: My first live ds106radio broadcast – AE & me

So, I just signed off from my first live broadcast on #ds106radio. It was a short 20 minute set made up of songs released by Autechre between 1994-1995. I called the set AE & me. AE being an abbreviation for Autechre.  I’m not a fickle fan who likes their old stuff better than their new […]

amidoinitrite Concept ds106

ds106: My ds106 lawn

In Australia, mowing the lawn is the quintessential suburban experience. I actually don’t mind mowing the lawn. As a household chore mowing the lawn has potential for a bit of a creative twist. In the past I have attempted to create the Black Flag bar logo and a strange heart shape in an attempt to […]

amidoinitrite ds106

ds106: Audio Assignment – Introducing the DS106 International Treaty

The concept The ds106 International Treaty is a satirical and completely fictitious set of rules and regulations (Google document/Word) drafted by participants of the open digital storytelling (ds106) course. The International Treaty is an attempt to define an agreement which governs the behaviour of all mankind. In this introduction, I have created a fictitious public […]

amidoinitrite repossessed to skate skateboarding

Prepossessed to skate

Before I was repossesed to skate, I was prepossessed to skate. This is a more recent recording of my skateboarding activities prior to the repossession.  

amidoinitrite ds106 field recordings

ds106: ds106 Field Recordings – Suburban Skateboarding

An early morning skate in suburbia. Right select (Save Target/Link As…) to download the ds106 Field Recording 014 Suburban Skateboarding (MP3, 1.7MB)

amidoinitrite ds106 field recordings

ds106: Where my preoccupation with reporting from the field began

This could be where my preoccupation with reporting from the field began. A 2008 Voicethread of my 2004 experience of Dae Borum celebration (The first full moon of the lunar new year) held on Kwang An Beach in Busan, South Korea. Voicethread is a great web 2.0 tool that allows you to sequence a series […]

amidoinitrite daily shoot ds106

ds106: The Daily Shoot #ds451 – #ds457

Sorry I’m late. Thanks for watching. The Daily Shoot #ds451 “Make a photograph that features a leading line through it today. Draw the viewers eye through the image.” The Daily Shoot #ds452 “Change your point of view. Make a photograph from an unusual point of view today.” This is the view I saw of my […]

amidoinitrite ds106

ds106: Visual Assignment 13: Averaging concepts using Flickr

Visual Assignment 13 brief Take a concept, one word, and plug it into Flickr and take the first 50 images and average them using Photoshop or similar program. Step by step instructions available at Averaging the first eight days of my daily shoot When I started Visual Assignment 13 I had only completed eight […]

amidoinitrite daily shoot ds106

The Daily Shoot #ds450 – Illustrate preparedness

“We all prepare for things every day. Illustrate preparedness in a photograph today.” The Daily Shoot #ds450 – Illustrate preparedness , originally uploaded by Rowan Peter.

amidoinitrite ds106

ds106: Design Assignment 12: The big hip hop (I wanna get dusted)

Design Assignment 12 brief Take any photo from The Big Picture and overlay it with lyrics from a Top 100 song. Similar to The Big Caption project. ‘I wanna get dusted, I gotta get dusted baby’ For this design assignment I used a photo from The Big Picture’s coverage of the 2011 Dakar Rally and […]

amidoinitrite daily shoot ds106

The Daily Shoot #ds449 – Use a window or a door as a frame for your subject

“Use a window or a door as a frame for your subject today in a photograph.” The Daily Shoot #ds449 – Use a window or a door as a frame for your subject, originally uploaded by Rowan Peter. A door that opens up a world of frozen food.

amidoinitrite Concept ds106

ds106: Visual Assignment 46: Stories written in windows media player

Visual Assignment 46 brief Write a sentence (preferably somewhat coherent, yet on the nonsensical side), a poem, or a quick story using the titles of songs you have in your Windows Media Player (iTunes may possibly work as well). Print the screen. Paste it in Microsoft Paint (or some higher-end equivalent). Save it, upload it, […]

amidoinitrite daily shoot ds106

The Daily Shoot #ds448 – Creative photo of ubiquitous power point (plug)

“Power plugs are ubiquitous. Can you make a creative photo of such a common thing? Try it today!” The Daily Shoot #ds448 – Creative photo of ubiquitous power point (plug), originally uploaded by Rowan Peter. A power point (plug) love story

amidoinitrite daily shoot ds106

The Daily Shoot #ds447 – Form & colour rather than detail

“Go abstract today and make a photograph that focuses on form and color rather than detail.” The Daily Shoot #ds447 – Form & colour rather than detail, originally uploaded by Rowan Peter. I’m not sure if this photo focuses on form and color rather than detail as perscribed by the daily shoot’s #ds447 requirements.

amidoinitrite ds106 field recordings

ds106: ds106 Field Recordings – Frogs after rain

After a few days of heavy rain, the local frogs have become quite vocal in the grassland (The Badlands) near my house. ds106 Field Recording 012 Frogs after rain

amidoinitrite daily shoot ds106

The Daily Shoot #ds446 – Sense of depth or dimension

“Create a photo today that gives a sense of depth or dimension.” The Daily Shoot #ds446 – Sense of depth or dimension, originally uploaded by Rowan Peter. Suburban supermarket aisle. They’ve lowered the shelves since I was there last. The shelves now seem less monolithic.

amidoinitrite daily shoot ds106

The Daily Shoot #ds445 – A low horizon, emphasise the sky

“Look upward today. Make a photograph with a low horizon and that emphasizes the sky.” The Daily Shoot #ds445 – A low horizon, emphasise the sky, originally uploaded by Rowan Peter.

amidoinitrite ds106 field recordings

ds106: ds106 radio – Field recordings of inner city and suburban Melbourne

Yesterday, I wandered around inner city and suburban Melbourne. Here are some field recordings from my adventure. Listen to ds106 Field Recording 007 Crown Casino ambience Listen to ds106 Field Recording 008 Southbank Listen to ds106 Field Recording 009 Eureka Tower (Skydeck) Listen to ds106 Field Recording 010 Fitzroy Gardens Listen to ds106 Field Recording […]

amidoinitrite daily shoot ds106

The Daily Shoot #ds444 – Newsworthy

“Pretend you’re a stringer for your local newspaper today. Make a photo that captures something newsworthy to you.”   The Daily Shoot #ds444 – Newsworthy, originally uploaded by Rowan Peter. A domestic interpretation of a Weegee Naked City style photograph.

amidoinitrite daily shoot ds106

The Daily Shoot #ds443 – Single subject, full frame

“Fill the frame of a photograph with a single subject today.” The Daily Shoot #ds443 – Single subject, full frame, originally uploaded by Rowan Peter.

amidoinitrite daily shoot ds106

The Daily Shoot #ds442 – Repetition

“Make a photograph that features repetition.” #ds442 – Repetition, originally uploaded by Rowan Peter

amidoinitrite ds106 field recordings

ds106: ds106 Field Recordings – Metro Train System (Glen Waverly)

My new field recording for ds106 radio. Sounds of Melbourne’s suburban train system. Listen to ds106 Field Recording 006 Metro Glen Waverly Line Location photos of my ds106 field recordings can be found over at my Flickr photostream.

amidoinitrite ds106 field recordings

ds106: ds106 radio – Field recordings

The goal of my ongoing ds106 field recording is to document and share the sound story of the city of Melbourne with ds106 radio listeners. I try to record the environment as succinctly and accurately as possible. I have recorded and shared the sound of my surroundings prior to ds106 radio, but I never provided […]

amidoinitrite ds106

DS106: Radio DS106 – Station IDs (Bumpers)

DS106 now has a streaming radio station!  The radio station streams content uploaded by ds106 participants. Pretty cool. Inspired, I decided to make a few station IDs or Bumpers, or whatever you cal them in your jurisdiction. They’re something short and sharp that would hopefully shed a little light on exactly what the listener was […]


amidoinitrite on mobile devices

Happy to see that amidoinitrite can be browsed on mobile devices like the PSP. Thanks WordPress!

amidoinitrite Concept ds106

ds106: Bag of Gold

I want to live, I want to give I’ve been a miner for a bag of gold. It’s these expressions I never give That keep me searching for a bag of gold And I’m getting old. Keeps me searching for a bag of gold And I’m getting old. Use the controls to listen to Bag […]
