
The other day I discovered #800×80, an art project by @arc4g and @lochieaxon, and since then I’ve been having so much fun goofing-off and creating and sharing animated gifs in a “weird resolution” with some supremely talented and amazingly skilled like-minded people on Twitter – we need more weird resolution art, right? Joining the #800×80 …

Automation & Tooling – why not consider them as helpful colleagues and team members

For a while I’ve been thinking about how adopt a different approach to tooling in our team, beyond nameless and obtuse groups of tools built on google sheets that record and reveal information about our projects. I think there’s value in considering these tools more like colleagues and team members with position descriptions and real …

My first instanced geometry

Building on the momentum of making my way through my very, very first noise displacement tutorial, I had a go at Polyhop’s instancing geometry in TouchDesigner tutorial. Again, you literally start with a ‘blank canvas’ and then slowly build up a network that results in a fun and visually interesting output. My key takeaways It’s …

My first noise displacement

Super-stoked about taking my very first steps with the visual coding software TouchDesigner by making my way through Polyhop’s Noise Displacement Tutorial – it’s a fun tutorial with just the right amount of detail designed especially for first timers like me. You literally start with a ‘blank canvas’ and then over time slowly build up …

Our course could be your life(style): Tales of MOOC revisiting learners 2015-2020

Abstract Many studies have identified crucial factors that impact learner engagement in online courses, particularly free to join courses like MOOCs and have explored aspects of openness, freeness, production values, retention strategies and the impact of MOOCs on digital teaching and learning, but little has been said about learners who continue to revisit the same …

Vomit Writing #5 Writing Task


Vomit writing tasks to define and slowly refine my research paper for the last two units (EDX703/704) in my Masters. Introduction and literature review Since their emergence in the mid-2000s, massive open online courses (MOOC) have been predicated on making learning available to everyone, and at scale. Much effort has been spent analysing data generated …

Vomit Writing Task #4: ‘Incremental chunks’

Vomit writing tasks to define and slowly refine my research paper for the last two units (EDX703/704) in my Masters. Since their emergence in the mid-2000s, massive open online courses (MOOC) have been predicated on making learning available to everyone, and at scale. Much effort has been spent analysing data generated by MOOC participants (eg., …

Vomit Writing Task #3: ‘EXPOSITORY VOM’

Vomit writing tasks to define and slowly refine my research paper for the last two units (EDX703/704) in my Masters. Since their emergence in the mid-2000s, massive open online courses (MOOC) have been predicated on making learning available to everyone, and at scale. Much effort has been spent analysing data generated by MOOC participants (eg., …

Vomit Writing Task #2: ‘Report, Relate & Evaluate’

Vomit writing tasks to define and slowly refine my research paper for the last two units (EDX703/704) in my Masters. Repeat learners or revisiting learners are learners who have self-identified as having completed more than one run of either of Monash’s mindfulness course on FutureLearn between 2016 and 2020. Results indicate that revisiting learners chose …

Vomit Writing Task #1 – ‘Vividness’ & ‘Intention to revisit’

Vomit writing tasks to define and slowly refine my research paper for the last two units (EDX703/704) in my Masters. Vividness is defined as the quality of being very clear, powerful and detailed in your mind. When applied to digital experiences, through the use of multimedia components such as video, text, voice and animation, for …

Building my DIY masonry block ledge at The Ditch

I’ve been inspired by The Build Project and the Cinder Block Ledge by DIY Skate to build a ledge in the stormwater-run-off-turned-bike track (a place I call The Ditch) of a nearby suburb. This blog post documents the process of building my DIY ledge at The Ditch – from inception to implementation. The ditch A photo posted …

Remembering the RENDERSAUR (1997 to 2000)

Recently, I’ve been remembering the RENDERSAUR. The RENDERSAUR was an online art project I maintained seriously from 1997 to 2000, less-seriously from 2001 to 2002 and then trailing off completely around 2003 to 2004. RENDERSAUR was hosted by my friend and oscillated from RENDERSAUR.CX to RENDERSAUR.ORG. The Internet Archive: Wayback machine does a good job of capturing the …

I don’t always require an affirmation, but when I do, I prefer the Bene Gesserit’s litany against fear

Inspired by Tom Woodwards’s Dune-themed tweet on 24 April 2014, Rhys Fulber and Bill Leeb’s production on Fear Factory’s Fear Is the Mindkiller EP and the Bene Gesserit’s litany against fear and based on Jan Vantomme’s Drawing text and Running your sketch on an Android device  Processing recipes on Github, I created this portable litany against fear as …

The Epidermis Edit

I created the ‘Epidermis Edit’ animation in early 2000, based on my recent discovery of Blender and my friend’s SGI and Linux computers. The aesthetic is directly influenced by skin anatomy and physiology,  medical procedures,  macro-photography, electron microscopy and non-scientific curiosity. Back then, my intent for the ‘Epidermis Edit’ animation was for it to be …